The Language of Artificial Intelligence

About Brett

Brett Rutledge is Australia’s foremost business linguist, widely recognised for his leadership in applied linguistics and business communication. He is an expert in the study of language and its practical application in business.

With a career spanning over 30 years, Brett has established himself as a leading authority on the use of language in business, helping organisations worldwide harness the power of words to achieve their objectives.

As the founder of SENSEMAP, Brett has dedicated his career to the field of applied linguistics and business language. SENSEMAP specialises in transforming complex business concepts into clear, strategic narratives that resonate with diverse audiences.

Under Brett’s leadership, SENSEMAP has worked with clients across the globe, providing language-based solutions that enhance leadership, strategy, culture, and communication.

Brett’s ‘What, Why, How’ Framework

In addition to his work with SENSEMAP, Brett is known for his ‘What,Why, How’ model, a simple yet profound framework that helps businesses think more clearly, act more strategically, and communicate more effectively.

He uses language to transform complex information into thoughts, ideas, and concepts everyone can follow. By defining the key idea, understanding and explaining its purpose, and outlining practical steps for communication and implementation, Brett’s model offers a fresh approach to making complex information understandable and actionable and shows leaders how to get the most out of their primary thinking and communication tool – language.

The language of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

How do businesses and organisations leverage AI to improve decision-making, customer engagement and operational tasks?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is often misunderstood, with many assuming it effectively replicates the human brain or is even superior. In this keynote, Brett explains that we’re far from achieving true human-like intelligence. He highlights the critical connection between linguistics and AI, helping businesses understand and leverage AI to improve decision-making, customer engagement, and operations.

AI excels in pattern recognition, making it effective for tasks like chatbots, automation, and data analysis. However, AI also faces several critical issues that limit its effectiveness. For example, AI struggles with quantifying uncertainty, can be overly confident in wrong decisions, and lacks common sense, affecting its ability to make logical inferences. Surprisingly, AI is not even good at math!

Brett Rutledge emphasises that while AI can be a powerful tool, it requires human oversight and interaction to be effective and reliable. This keynote provides a thought-provoking and insightful look into the real-time capabilities and limitations of AI, making it an essential session for anyone interested in the future of technology or considering AI for their own business.

Before your company or organisation heads down the path to implementing an AI process, find out what AI really does, if you can use it, and how you should go about it.

Key take-aways

  • AI is often misunderstood: Contrary to popular belief, current AI technology is far from replicating human-like intelligence.
  • Linguistics and AI are closely connected: Understanding this relationship is crucial for businesses looking to leverage AI effectively.
  • AI excels in pattern recognition: This makes it useful for tasks like chatbots, automation, and data analysis.
  • AI has significant limitations: These include difficulties in quantifying uncertainty, overconfidence in incorrect decisions, lack of common sense, and surprisingly poor performance in mathematics.
  • Human oversight is essential: While AI can be a powerful tool, it requires human interaction and supervision to be truly effective and reliable in business applications.

Why Engage Brett to Speak on AI?

  • Brett is a World Champion of Public Speaking, a title that underscores his exceptional talent in oration and communication.
  • His ability to engage, inspire, and educate audiences has made him a sought-after speaker and consultant in the business world.
  • Brett’s unique approach combines his deep linguistic knowledge with practical business acumen.
  • His ability to mimic a wide range of speaking styles, accents, and even real people adds an entertaining layer to his presentations, making complex ideas more accessible and engaging.
  • This talent, coupled with his linguistic expertise, enables Brett to offer unparalleled insights into how language shapes thought, influences behaviour, and drives business success.
  • Whether through keynote speeches, workshops, or one-on-one consultations, Brett continues to influence and shape the way businesses use language as their most powerful thinking and communication tool.

Not currently working as an MC

What Clients Say

“Congrats – you were the highest ranking speaker by a country mile!”
ANZIIF (Australian New Zealand Institute of Insurance & Finance)

“Brett Rutledge was the star of the show. His delivery and timing were excellent, his jokes just right for the audience and his impersonations flawless.”
Motor Traders Association

“We have started receiving evaluations from the AMP Annual Convention and the feedback on Brett is unanimously saying: “Bring him back next year”.

“The humour was pitched at exactly the right level, and I had tears rolling down my face from laughter. The feedback that we have received since has been nothing but positive.”
NZ Pork Industry Board

“Brett was great, really managed to cover a very wide audience in terms of ages and kept them all laughing which is a great achievement at that time of the morning.”
Adelaide Convention and Tourism Authority

“We have had a speaker on AI every year for the last 5 and you are the first one to really make sense!”
AICLA (Australian Institute of Chartered Loss Adjusters)

“There is no doubt that the highlight of the conference was your address, and we certainly recommend your services to any other organisation looking for a unique and innovative approach to a topic.”
Fisher & Paykel Communications

“Our sincere thanks … not only did you deliver a captivating speech with tremendous impact but being available to talk to our guests before and afterwards was perceived by Opal as value added.”
Opal Consulting Group

“Our guests loved the message and have told us we have set a precedent impossible to beat next year.  Thanks Brett!”
STIHL Limited

“Everyone was greatly impressed by the elegant structure of your brilliant performance as well as the subtle mix of the humour and seriousness it contained.  You have a great talent and it was our pleasure to be able to see it in action!”
Life Education Trust

“We all thoroughly enjoyed your talented mimicry and superbly crafted speech which reflected the many hours of preparation and research put in, thus providing excellent entertainment and humour on our special occasion.”

“An excellent end to the evening.  I don’t think I have ever seen people enjoy themselves so much at a company function.”
Carter Holt Harvey Forests

“Brett was excellent! He certainly put in the homework and the results spoke for themselves.”
NZ Institute of Management & Control

“Your presentation was outstanding and all the feedback I have had post the event has been positive. I can assure you that this alone is a major feat considering the difficult nature of the group you addressed – Well done!”
Tip Top Ice Cream

“Brett is no ordinary speaker. His presentations ring with laughter – his impact memorable! He uses his multiple personalities to highly entertain with fun and laughter to punch home the message!”
The Business Network

“Your professionalism is exceeded only by your brilliance!”
Export Institute of New Zealand





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